The first thing we do when we arrive is head down to the Dolphin stadium to see the dolphin show. If you haven't been to it, it is a must see family event. The dolphins perform different jumping formations, play with hula hoops, fetch balls, interact with the audience, and even dance to upbeat music among other things.
The show lasts 20 min and can be seen at 11 am, 1 pm, 2:30 pm, and 4 pm. There is an additional show at 6 pm from March to September.
For the first time since we began going to the aquarium, O had enough energy left to play on the enormous rope playground they have there. The playground itself is all connected. However, the ropes are separated into sections based on age appropriateness and labeled accordingly so it's very user friendly and you can be certain that it is safe for your child to play on.
The ropes are for ages 3+ which discouraged me at first since O is only 15 months. After looking around a bit though, we found that they do have a section of the playground for children under 3 that is all flat and made out of rubber at the top of the hill on the side closest to the parking garage. There is a slide and various other things to climb on and crawl under. This made me extremely happy. But O is headstrong, loves to try things that the older children are doing, and a little ahead on her developmental skill levels so did allow her to play on the ropes as well.
Other posts from visits to this site:
Churaumi Aquarium and Ocean Expo Park
Ocean Expo Park
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