Okinawa: A Marine Adventure
Saturday, February 6, 2016
III MEF Band @ Koza Music Town
It's been a while since the III MEF Band performed out in town for any event except the annual joint concert. So it was a kind of spec...
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Okinawa Santa Run
If you're looking for a fun, laid back event to attend around the holidays, the Okinawa Santa Run is for you. The registration fee incl...
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Our first Space-A Adventure
Steps to Space-A (in brief): 1. Obtain your command sponsored letter for travel 2. Sign up for the waitlist for your flight ASAP 3. S...
Sunday, August 23, 2015
TCM: Eating Goat
If you are currently pregnant and overdue, Naomi-San says, "Go eat goat," which is tradition to bring about labor. The meat is ve...
Sunday, August 9, 2015
There are many Beautiful Japanese phrases that cannot be translated. 美しい日本語でなかなか通訳できない言葉のひとつ『お陰様で』 の解説。"Okagesamade" (Oh-kah-gay-...
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